


高品質幹細胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cells、Embryonic Stem Cells、Neural Stem Cells)、螢光標定幹細胞、各式初代細胞與特殊培養試劑,另有客製化細胞服務(Gene knockin、knickout等)!



Catalog Number Product Name Specification
RAFMX-01001 Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
RAFMX-01201 Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP  1*10^6/vial 
RAFMX-01101 Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
RASMX-01001 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
RASMX-01101 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
RASMX-01201 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUBMX-01001 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBMX-01101 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUBMX-01201 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP  1*10^6/vial 
HUXMA-01001 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
HUXMA-01101 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUCMX-01001 Strain Balb/c Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUCMX-01101 Balb/c Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
RAWMX-01001 Wistar Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
CAXMX-01001 Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
CAXMX-01101 Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
RBXMX-01001 Rabbit Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
HUXMD-01001 Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
RAWMD-01001 Wistar Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
RASMD-01001 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBMD-01001 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBMD-01101 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
RBXMD-01001 Rabbit Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
CAXMD-01001 Dog Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUAES-01001 Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUAES-01101 Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUAES-01201 Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with RFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUBES-01001 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBES-01101 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
MUBES-01201 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with RFP  1*10^6/vial 
RASNF-01001 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Neural Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBNF-01001 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Neural Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
MUBNF-01101 Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Neural Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
HUXUC-01001 Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
HUXUC-01101 Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
HUXUB-01001 Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells  1*10^6/vial 
HUXUB-01101 Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP  1*10^6/vial 
WCCFN-00001-2 Wistar Fetal Rat Cortex Neuros   2*10^6/vial 
WHCFN-00001 Wistar Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons   1*10^6/vial 
SCCFN-00001-2 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Fetal Rat Cortex Neurons   2*10^6/vial 
SHCFN-00001 Sprague-Dawley (SD) Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons   1*10^6/vial 
FCCFN-00001-2 Fischer 344 (F344) Fetal Rat Cortex Neurons   2*10^6/vial 
FHCFN-00001 Fischer 344 (F344) Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons   1*10^6/vial 
WCCAC-00001 Wistar Rat Astrocytes   1*10^6/vial 
SCCAC-00001 Sprague-Dawly (SD) Rat Astrocytes   1*10^6/vial 
FCCAC-00001 Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Astrocytes   1*10^6/vial 
MUIEF-01002-10 Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated, 10-Vial Package (MEF)  1*10^6/vial 
MUIEF-01002-2 Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (MEF)   1*10^6/vial 
MUIEF-01002-1 Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (MEF)   1*10^6/vial 
MUDEF-01002  KO-Certified 3 Drug-Resistant Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (3R MEF)   1*10^6/vial 
Catalog Number Product Name Specification
GUXMX-90031 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Adipogenic Differentiation Medium Kit
GUXMX-90041 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenic Differentiation Medium Kit
MUXES-90051 Embryoid Body (EB) Formation Medium Kit
GUXMX-90021 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation Medium Kit
GXXNR-90011 Neuron Growth Medium Kit
GXXAC-90011 Astrocyte Growth Medium Kit
MUXEF-90011 Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Growth Medium Kit
GUXMX-90011 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
MUXMX-90011 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
HUXMX-90101 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Hepatogenic Differentiation Medium Kit
HUXMX-90011 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
RBXMX-90011 Rabbit Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
MUXES-90011 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
HUXES-90011 Human Embryonic Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
GUXNX-90011 Neural Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
HUXUC-90011 Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
HUXUB-90011 Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
RAXMD-90011 Rat Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
MUXMD-90011 Mouse Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
HUXMD-90011 Human Adipose-derived Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
GUXMD-90011 Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Growth Medium Kit
CRYO-10001-50 Cryopreservation Medium 50mL
CRYO-10001-20 Cryopreservation Medium 20mL
NCRC-10001-50 NCR Cryopreservation Medium 50mL
NCRC-10001-20 NCR Cryopreservation Medium 20mL
GUXNR-07021 Neuron NCR Protein-Free Cryopreservation Medium 20mL
GUXNX-07021 Neural Stem Cells NCR Protein-Free Cryopreservation Medium 20mL
NCPF-10001-50 NCR Protein-Free Cryopreservation Medium 50mL
NCPF-10001-20 NCR Protein-Free Cryopreservation Medium 20mL
OsrHSA OsrHSA - recombinant Human Serum Albumin 1g
BNCS-50101-10 B28 Neuron Culture Supplement (50×) 10mL
BNCS-50101-5 B28 Neuron Culture Supplement (50×) 5mL
NEAA-10201-100 Non-Essential Amino Acid (NEAA) Cell Culture Supplement 100mL
NEAA-10201-50 Non-Essential Amino Acid (NEAA) Cell Culture Supplement 50mL
ITSS-10201-10 ITS Cell Culture Supplement (100×) 10mL
ITSS-10201-5 ITS Cell Culture Supplement (100×) 5mL
APFD-10001-200 SCTS Animal Protein-Free Dissociation Reagent 200mL
APFD-10001-100 SCTS Animal Protein-Free Dissociation Reagent 100mL
PBS-10001-500 1xPBS 500mL
TEDTA-10001-100 Trysin-EDTA 100mL


