翰新國際有限公司 (Hycell international Co. Ltd.) 成立於2006 年,代理經銷生物科技研究相關商品,包含Beckman Coulter,Trevigen 及其他知名品牌,從各式分生藥品、試劑、耗材、抗體至儀器得以滿足學術及臨床研究單位之各種需求。翰新於2008 年始創自有品牌HyCell及GoalBio, HyCell為高品質各式分生實驗用套組及試劑,產品如:Direct Blood PCR Set, HyBlock 1min Blocking Buffer, Western Blot Stripping Buffer, EX-CL Chemiluminescent HRP kit 等,自有品牌 Goalbio則為分生實驗儀器、PCR耗材及蛋白質研究試劑,如Pipet aid 及 PCR用 tube、8 well strip、96 well plate, Magnetic Beads等。


Website: www.goalbio.com

Hycell international Co. Ltd. was established in 2006. We distribute products include chemicals, reagents, consumables, antibodies and equipment of worldwide brands, such as Beckman, Trevigen… etc. The main goals of company are providing profession technology and high quality products of biotechnology area to researchers and clinical users. In 2008, the private brand HyCell and Goalbio was founded. HyCell provides kits and reagents of biological research, and the highlight products are Direct Blood PCR Set, HyBlock 1min Blocking Buffer, EX-CL Chemiluminescent HRP kit and Western Blot Stripping Buffer. While, Goalbio has focused on PCR consumables and instruments, like 0.2ml tubes, 8 well strips and 96 well plates. Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet academic and clinical research needs. We welcome new and old customers from all work of life science to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success!



Goalbio pipette (Pipet aid)


Goalbio pipette 電動吸取器,可配合各式玻璃或塑膠吸管以吸取分裝定體積之液體。在設計上符合人體工學的設計,方便使用者握取操作及放置。配載可充電鋰電池,並有可無限段調控流速、抗紫外線外殼等優點,便於無菌操作及藥品配置之各式分生實驗。


1. 符合人體工學設計

2. 可無限段調整流速,適用1至50mL pipet

2. 可重複充電的鋰電池,無記憶效應,使用更持久

3. 抗紫外光外殼,可放置於Laminar flow紫外光殺菌而不脆化

HyBlock 1-min Blocking Buffer for Western Blot and IHC


拒絕毒奶,HyBlock 1-min Blocking Buffer具有兩大特色,一為在短短一分鐘內即可完成 blocking步驟,以節省免疫染色實驗所需時間;另一特色為無蛋白質配



1. 快速,只要1 min以內,即可完成Western Blot Blocking

2. 直接使用Ready-to-use

3. 非蛋白質配方,用來配置primary and secondary antibodies不易腐敗

4. 低背景值

5. 更適用於 phospho-protein detection

6. 另有Western Blot Stripping Buffer, EX-CL Chemiluminescent HRP kit

Direct Blood PCR Set and Direct Milk PCR Set


Direct Blood PCR Set 為全血樣品專用的 One-step PCR 試劑,只需將全血置入PCR反應管即可上機。此產品之特色除可抑制全血樣品中 DNA 聚合酶抑制劑的干擾,並搭配全血專用的 BP Taq,提升 PCR 效率及靈敏度。此商品之另一大特色為 BP mixer,只需加入樣品及引子之單一步驟即可反應,可簡化實驗步驟及操作時間,因此適合應用大量血液樣品分析需求者,如臨床基因型鑑定、點突變測試及親 子鑑定等。


1. 適用全血樣品(另有奶製品PCR套組)

2. 免萃取

3. 單一步驟

4. 省時: BP-mixer內含 loading dye,PCR樣品可直接電泳agarose,極方便