
  Items Size
BCIP/INT Substrate Solution 500mL
BCIP/NBT Substrate Solution 500mL
Benedict's Reagent 1L
2X BES Buffer Saline, pH7.0 500mL
2% Bisacrylamide Solution 1L
Biuret Protein Assay Reagent 1L
5X Borate Buffered Saline, pH7.0 1L
Bradford Protein Assay Reagent  2.5L
Brandit Reagent 1L
BSA Blocking Buffer in PBS/TBS 1L
10X CAPS Transfer Buffer 500mL
0.5M Carbonate Buffer, pH9.5/10.0 1L
5X Carbonate Buffered Saline, pH9.0/9.5 1L
Casein Blocking Buffer in PBS/TBS 1L
Chloroform/Isoamyl Alcohol (24:1) Reagent* 2.5L
4-Chloro-1-Naphthol Substrate Solution 100mL
Complete Cell Lysis Solution (10mg/mL Lysozyme and RNase A), for bacterial cell 5mL
Coomassie Blue G Staining Solution 1L
Coomassie Blue G Colloidal Staining Solution 1L
Coomassie Blue R Staining Solution 1L
Crystal Violet Solution 1L
DAB Substrate Solution 500mL
dATP (100mM) 1mL
dCTP (100mM) 1mL
dGTP (100mM) 1mL
dTTP (100mM) 1mL
dNTP Mixture (2.5mM) 5mL
dNTP Mixture (10mM) 1mL
Denaturing Solution for Southern Transfer 1L
50X Denhardt's Solution 100mL
100X Denhardt's Solution  50mL
Depurination Solution for Southern Transfer 1L
6X DNA Loading Dye 25mL
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Reagent 1L
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate Reagent 1L
0.5M EDTA Solution, pH8.0 5L
0.5M EGTA Solution, pH8.0 100mL
Ethidium Bromide Solution (10mg/mL) 100mL
20% Ficoll-400 Solution 50mL
Gelatin Blocking Buffer in PBS/TBS 1L
Gram's Iodine Solution 1L
Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) 10L
1M HEPES Buffer, pH7.5 500mL
2X HEPES Bufferred Saline, Transfection, pH7.0 500mL
5X HEPES Bufferred Saline, pH6.5/7.0 500mL
1M HEPES Solution 500mL
20x IEF Cathode Buffer 1L
5X Imidazole Buffered Saline, pH7.0 500mL
IPTG/ X-Gal Solution, Sterile (1,000X) 50mL
7.5/8.0M Lithium Chloride (LiCl) 500mL
5X MES Buffered Saline, pH6.5/7.0 500mL
1M MES Solution 500mL
20X MES-SDS Running Buffer 500mL
1M MOPS Solution 500mL
10X MOPS Buffer (10X MESA Buffer), DEPC Treated 5L
5X MOPS Buffered Saline, pH7.0/7.2/7.5 500mL
20X MOPS-SDS Running Buffer 500mL
Neutralization Solution for Southern Transfer 1L
BL0415-1000 4% Paraformaldehyde Solution 1L
10X Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) 50L
10X Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS), Sterile  10L
20X Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) 5L
20X Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS), Sterile  5L
10X Phosphate Buffer Saline Tween Buffer (PBST) 10L
20X Phosphate Buffer Saline Tween Buffer (PBST) 5L
10X Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS)  10L
pH Buffer, pH4.0  1L
pH Buffer, pH7.0 1L
pH Buffer, pH10.0 1L
Phenol, Saturated (pH4.5) pH 4.5±0.2 2.5L
Phenol, Saturated (pH7.9) pH 7.9±0.2 2.5L
Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1), pH8.0* 2.5L
Phenol:Chloroform (1:1), pH5.2* 500mL
Phenol:Chloroform (5:1), pH4.5* 500mL
5X PIPES Buffered Saline, pH6.5/6.7/7.0 500mL
Ponceau S Stain Solution 2.5L
Protein Gel Stain Solution (Rapid) 1L
Protein Gel Stain Solution (High Sensitivity) 1L
Protein Gel Stain Solution (Onestep) 1L
2X Protein Loading Dye, Laemmli Sample Buffer 50mL
5X Protein Loading Dye, Laemmli Sample Buffer 50mL
RBC Lysis Buffer 50L
RBC Lysis Buffer, Sterile 10L
4X Resolving Gel Buffer, pH8.8 5L
RIPA Lysis Buffer  1L
RNA Sample Loading Buffer 5mL
RNA Sample Loading Buffer, With Ethidium Bromide (50 μg/mL) 5mL
RNase A Solution (10mg/mL) 5mL
Safranin O Solution 1L
10% SDS Solution 5L
20% SDS Solution 5L
5M Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Solution 1L
10N Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solution 1L
20X SSC Buffer 10L
20X SSPE Buffer 10L
4X Stacking Gel Buffer, pH6.8 5L
Stripping Buffer for Western Blot 2.5L
TMB Substrate Solution, ELISA 500mL
TMB Substrate Solution, Western Blot 500mL
Total Protein Cell Lysis Buffer, for Mammalian Cell 10mL
5X Tricine buffered Saline, pH7.0/7.5/8.0 500mL
50X Tris Acetate EDTA (TAE) Buffer 10L
20X Tris Acetate-SDS Running Buffer 500mL
5X Tris Borate EDTA (TBE) Buffer 50L
10X Tris Borate EDTA (TBE) Buffer 5L
10X Tris Buffer Saline Buffer (TBS) 10L
20X Tris Buffer Saline Buffer (TBS)  5L
10X Tris Buffer Saline Tween Buffer (TBST) 10L
20X Tris Buffer Saline Tween Buffer (TBST) 5L
10X Tris EDTA Buffer (TE) 10L
10X Tris-Glycine Buffer (TG) 10L
10X Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer (TGS) 50L
10X Tris-HEPES-SDS Running Buffer 1L
0.5M Tris-HCl Solution, pH6.8 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH6.8 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH7.0 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH7.5 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH8.0 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH8.5 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH8.8 1L
1M Tris-HCl Solution, pH9.0 1L
1.5M Tris-HCl Solution, pH8.8 1L
25X Tris-Glycine Transfer Buffer  1L
10X Tris-Tricine SDS Running Buffer  1L
Trizol Solution 500mL
10X Tris-TAPS-EDTA (TTE) Buffer 1L
0.4% Trypan Blue Solution 1L
Water, DEPC Treated 50L
Water, DNase/RNase Free 10L
Water, Sequencing 100mL
X-Gal Solution (40mg/mL), Sterile (1,000X) 50mL
Culture Medium
Items Size
AC Agar 500g
AC Broth 500g
Agar  1Kg
Agar, Molecular Biology 500g
Alkaline Peptone Water 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.1 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.2 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.3 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.4 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.5 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.6 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.7 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.8 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.9 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.10 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.11 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.12 500g
Antibiotic Medium No.13 500g
APT Agar 500g
Arcobacter Broth 500g
Arginine Brilliant-Green Glucose Peptone Broth (ABGP Medium)  500g
Asparagine Broth 500g
Azide Blood Agar Base 500g
Azide Dextrose Broth 500g
Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar Base  500g
Baird Paker Agar 500g
BCP (Bromcresol Purple Dextrose) Agar 500g
BCP (Bromcresol Purple Dextrose) Broth 500g
Beef Extract 1Kg
Beef Extract, Molecular Biology 500g
BIGGY Agar 500g
Blood Agar Base 500g
Blood Agar Base No.2 500g
Bolton Broth Base 500g
BPL Agar 500g
BPLS Agar 500g
Brain Heart Infusion Agar 500g
Brain Heart Infusion Broth 500g
Brilliant Green Agar 500g
Brilliant Green Bile Agar 500g
Brilliant Green Phenol Red Lactose Sucrose Agar 500g
Brolac Agar  500g
Bromcresol Purple Broth 500g
Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Agar  500g
Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Broth 500g
Brucella Agar 500g
Brucella Broth 500g
Bryant-Burkey Broth Base 500g
Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base 500g
Buffered Peptone Water 500g
Burkholderia Cepacia Agar Base 500g
Calcium Caseinate Agar 500g
Campylobacter Agar Base  500g
Cary-Blair Medium 500g
CATC Agar 500g
Cereus Selective Agar  500g
Cetrimide Agar  500g
Chapman Stone Agar 500g
China-blue Lactose Agar 500g
Chloramphenicol Agar  500g
CLED Agar 500g
Clostridial Differential Broth 500g
Clostridium Difficile Agar Base 500g
Clostridium Perfringens Agar Base 500g
Columbia Agar 500g
Columbia Blood Agar Base 500g
Columbia Broth 500g
Count Agar Sugar-free 500g
CTA Medium  500g
Czapek Dox Agar 500g
Czapek Dox Broth (CDB) 500g
DCLS Agar  500g
DCLS Agar No.2 500g
Deoxycholate Agar 500g
Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 500g
Deoxycholate Lactose Agar 500g
Dermasel Agar Base 500g
DEV ENDO Agar 500g
DEV Dextrose Broth  500g
DEV Gelatin Agar 500g
DEV Lactose Broth 500g
DEV Lactose Peptone Broth  500g
DEV Nutrient Agar 500g
DEV Tryptophan Broth  500g
Dextrose Agar  500g
Dextrose Broth 500g
Dextrose Casein Peptone Agar 500g
Dextrose Tryptone Agar 500g
DHL Agar 500g
EC Broth 500g
Elliker Medium 500g
EMB Agar (Eosin Methylene Blue Agar) 500g
EMB Broth (Eosin Methylene Blue Broth) 500g
Endo Agar Base 500g
Endo LES Agar Base 500g
m-Endo Broth 500g
m-Endo Agar LES  500g
m-Endo Broth MF 500g
Enterobacteriaceae Confirmatory Agar 500g
Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar  500g
m-Enterococcus Agar 500g
Eugonic Agar  500g
EVA Broth (Ethyl Violet Azide Broth) 500g
m-FC Agar 500g
m-FC Broth 500g
Fluid Lactose Medium 500g
Fluid Sabouraud Medium 500g
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium USP 500g
Fraser Broth Base 500g
Fungi Agar Base 500g
GC Agar Base 500g
Gelatin Lactose Medium 500g
Giolitti Cantoni Broth 500g
Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar 500g
Glucose Chloramphenicol Broth 500g
GN Enrichment Broth 500g
GSP Agar 500g
Heart Infusion Broth  500g
Hektoen Enteric Agar 500g
Hoyle Medium Base 500g
Indole Nitrate Medium (Trypticasein Nitrtae Medium) 500g
Iron Sulfite Agar 500g
ITC (Irgasan Ticarcillin Chlorate) Broth Base 500g
Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar 500g
KF-Streptococcus Agar  500g
King Agar A  500g
King Agar B  500g
King FG Agar 500g
Kligler Iron Agar 500g
Koser Citrate Broth 500g
Lactose Broth 500g
Lactose Gelatin Medium Base 500g
Lactose Sulfate Broth Base 500g
Lambda Agar 500g
Lambda Broth 500g
Lauryl Sulfate Agar  500g
Lauryl Sulfate Broth 500g
Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose Broth  500g
LB Agar (Lennox) 500g
LB Agar (Miller) 2.5Kg
LB Broth (Lennox) 500g
LB Broth (Miller) 2.5Kg
Leifson Agar  500g
Levine EMB Agar  500g
Listeria Enrichment Broth 500g
Lysine Decarboxylase Broth 500g
Lysine Iron Agar 500g
M9 Broth 500g
M9CA Broth 500g
M63 Broth 500g
MacConkey Agar 500g
MacConkey Agar NO.2 500g
MacConkey Broth 500g
MacConkey-Sorbitol Agar  500g
Malachite Green Broth 500g
Malt Extract 1Kg
Malt Extract, Molecular Biology 500g
Malt Extract Agar 500g
Malt Extract Broth 500g
Mannitol Nitrate Motility Medium 500g
Mannitol Salt Agar  500g
Mannitol Salt Phenol Red Agar  500g
Mannitol Selenite Broth Base 500g
Maximum Recovery Diluent  500g
Meat Extract 1Kg
Meat Extract, Molecular Biology 500g
Meat Liver Agar  500g
Milk Plate Count Agar 500g
MIO Medium  500g
Moeller KCN Broth 500g
MRS Agar 500g
MRS Broth 500g
MR-VP Broth 500g
MSRV Medium 500g
Mueller Hinton Agar 500g
Mueller Hinton Broth 500g
Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base 500g
MYP Agar (Mannitol Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar)  500g
Nitrate Borth 500g
Nitrate Motility Base Medium  500g
Nutrient Agar 500g
Nutrient Broth 500g
Nutrient Gelatin 500g
NZ Broth 500g
NZC Broth  500g
NZCYM Agar 500g
NZCYM Broth 500g
NZM Agar 500g
NZM Broth 500g
NZY Broth 500g
NZYCM Agar 500g
NZYCM Broth 500g
NZYM Agar 500g
NZYM Broth 500g
OF Basal Medium 500g
OGA Medium 500g
OGYE Agar Base 500g
Osmophilic Agar  500g
Oxacillin Agar Base 500g
Oxford Agar 500g
PALCAM Listeria Selective Agar  500g
Peptone Meat 2.5Kg
Peptone Meat, Molecular Biology 500g
Peptone Soy 1Kg
Peptone Soy, Molecular Biology 500g
Peptone Water 500g
Peptone Water Bufferred 500g
Phenol Red Broth Base 500g
Phenol Red Dextrose Agar 500g
Phenol Red Dextrose Broth 500g
Phenol Red Sucrose Broth 500g
Plate Count Agar 500g
Presence - Absence Broth 500g
Pseudomonas Agar 500g
Pseudomonas Agar F (King B Medium) 500g
Pseudomonas Agar P (King A Medium) 500g
R-2A Agar  500g
Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth  500g
Rappaport Soy Broth 500g
Reinforced Clostridial Agar 500g
Reinforced Clostridial Medium 500g
Rogosa SL Agar 500g
Rogosa SL Broth 500g
Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (RBC) Agar 500g
Rothe Broth 500g
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 500g
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth 500g
Sabouraud Fluid Medium USP 500g
Sabouraud Maltose Agar 500g
Sabouraud Maltose Broth 500g
Salmonella Enrichment Broth 500g
Salmonella Shigella Agar 500g
Salmosyst Broth Base  500g
Selenite Broth 500g
Selenite Cystine Broth 500g
Sellers Agar 500g
SFP Agar 500g
SIM Medium 500g
Simmons Citrate Agar 500g
SOB Agar 500g
SOB Broth 500g
SOC Broth 500g
Sorbitol-MacConkey Agar (SMAC Agar) 500g
SS-Agar  500g
STAA Agar Base 500g
Standard Count Agar 500g
Standard Nutrient Agar No. 1  500g
Standard Nutrient Agar No. 2 500g
Standard Nutrient Broth No. 1  500g
Staphylococcus Agar 500g
Staphylococcus Agar No. 110 500g
Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth Base 500g
Streptococcus Selective Agar 500g
Streptococcus Selective Broth 500g
Sulfite Iron Agar 500g
Super Broth Agar 500g
Super Broth 500g
TCBS Agar 500g
Terrific Broth 500g
Tetrathionate Broth Base 500g
Thayer Martin Agar 500g
Thioglycollate Fluid Medium 500g
Thioglycollate USP Medium 500g
Tinsdale Agar Base 500g
Todd Hewitt Broth 500g
Tributyrin Agar Base 500g
Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) 500g
Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) 500g
Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) 500g
Tryptone 2.5Kg
Tryptone, Molecular Biology 500g
Tryptone Agar 500g
Tryptone Bile Salts Agar  500g
Tryptone Broth 500g
Tryptone Dextrose Medium 500g
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar) 500g
Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar 500g
Tryptone Soy Yeast Extract Agar (TSYEA)  500g
Tryptone Soy Yeast Extract Broth 500g
Tryptone Water 500g
Tryptose Blood Agar Base 500g
Tryptose Phosphate Broth 500g
TSC Agar 500g
TSN Agar 500g
TYGPN Broth 500g
Tyrobutyricum Broth Base 500g
Urea Agar Base 500g
Urea Broth Base 500g
Urea Indole Broth 500g
Violet Red Bile Agar 500g
Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar) 500g
Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar  500g
Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar 500g
Vogel-Johnson Agar (VJ Agar) 500g
Voges-Proskauer Broth 500g
WL Nutrient Agar 500g
WL Nutrient Broth 500g
Wort Agar 500g
Wort Broth 500g
XLD Agar 500g
XLT 4 Agar Base 500g
Yeast Extract  5Kg
Yeast Extract, Molecular Biology 500g
Yeast Extract Agar 500g
Yeast Extract Soy Agar 500g
Yeast Extract Soy Broth 500g
Yersinia Selective Agar 500g
YGC Agar 500g
YM Agar 500g
YM Broth 500g
YPD Agar 500g
YPD Broth 500g
YT Agar 500g
YT Broth 500g
2X YT Agar 500g
2X YT Broth 500g
Inhibitor Cocktail (100X)
Items Size
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, Full Range (100X) 100mL
Ser/Thr Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) 10mL
Tyr Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) 10mL
Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail, Full Range (100X) 10mL
BCA Protein Assay Kit, 500 Assays 1Kit
Bradford Protein Assay Kit, 500 Assays 1 Kit
BSA Standard (2mg/mL) 10mL
Anti-Human IgG [H&L] 1mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-Alkaline Phosphatase 1mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-Biotin 1mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-Cy3 0.25mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-Cy5 0.25mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-FITC 1mg
Anti-Human IgG [H&L]-Peroxidase  1mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L] 1mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-Alkaline Phosphatase  1mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-Biotin  1mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-Cy3 0.25mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-Cy5 0.25mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-FITC  1mg
Anti-Mouse IgG [H&L]-Peroxidase 1mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L] 1mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-Alkaline Phosphatase 1mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-Biotin 1mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-Cy3 0.25mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-Cy5 0.25mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-FITC  1mg
Anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L]-Peroxidase 1mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L] 1mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-Alkaline Phosphatase 1mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-Biotin  1mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-Cy3 0.25mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-Cy5 0.25mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-FITC 1mg
Anti-Rat IgG [H&L]-Peroxidase  1mg
Avidin 10mg
Avidin-Agarose, 50% Suspension  1mL
Avidin-Alkaline Phosphatase 1mg
Avidin-FITC 5mg
Avidin-Peroxidase  2mg
Concanavalin A  250mg
Concanavalin A-Agarose, 50% Suspension  25mL
Concanavalin A-Biotin 10mg
Concanavalin A-FITC 10mg
Concanavalin A-Peroxidase 1mg
His-Tag Binding-Agarose, 50% Suspension  10mL
Glutathione-Agarose, 50% Suspension  10mL
Protein A, Recombinant 10mg
Protein A-Agarose, 50% Suspension  5mL
Protein A-Alkaline Phosphatase 0.5mg
Protein A-Biotin  1mg
Protein A-FITC 1mg
Protein A-Peroxidase  1mg
Protein A/G-Agarose, 50% Suspension  5mL
Protein G, Recombinant 10mg
Protein G-Agarose, 50% Suspension  5mL
Protein G-Biotin  1mg
Protein G-Peroxidase  1mg
Protein L-Agarose, 50% Suspension  5mL
Streptavidin, Recombinant 10mg
Streptavidin-Agarose, 50% Suspension  5mL
Streptavidin-Alkaline Phosphatase 1mg
Streptavidin-FITC 0.5mg
Streptavidin-Peroxidase  0.5mg
WGA (Wheat Germ Agglutinin) 10mg
WGA-Agarose, 50% Suspension  1mL
WGA-Biotin 5mg
WGA-Peroxidase 1mg
Anti-D Tag 0.1mg
Anti-β-Galactosidase 0.1mg
Anti-GFP Tag 0.1mg
Anti-GST Tag 0.1mg
Anti-His Tag  0.1mg
Anti-HA Tag 0.1mg
Anti-Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) 0.1mg
Anti-Myc Tag 0.1mg
Anti-V5 Tag 0.1mg
Anti-VSVG Tag 0.1mg
Anti-RFP Tag  0.1mg
Anti-YFP Tag  0.1mg
Anti-CFP Tag  0.1mg
GST lysates  0.1mg
Myc lysates  0.1mg
His lysates  0.1mg
HA lysates  0.1mg
D-Tag lysates 0.1mg
GFP lysates  0.1mg
V5 lysates  0.1mg
β-Gal lysates  0.1mg
VSVG lysates 0.1mL
Anti-GAPDH  0.1mg
Anti-β-Actin  0.1mg
Anti-α-Tubulin 0.1mg
Anti-β-Tubulin 0.1mg
Blue Preatained Protein Marker 0.5mL
Dual Color Prestained Protein Marker 0.5mL
Unstained Protein Marker 1mL
Coomassie Blue G Staining Solution 1L
Coomassie Blue G Colloidal Staining Solution 1L
Coomassie Blue R Staining Solution 1L
Copper Stain & Destain Kit (10X) 1Kit
Protein Gel Stain Solution (Rapid) 1L
Protein Gel Stain Solution (High Sensitivity) 1L
Protein Gel Stain Solution (Onestep) 1L
Silver Stain Kit, MS Compatible 1Kit
Silver Stain Kit, High Sensitivity 1Kit
Zinc Stain & Destain Kit (10X) 1Kit
Direct View DNA Fluorescent Stain, Green 1mL
Direct View DNA Fluorescent Stain, Red 1mL
Hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase 250U
2X PCR Taq MasterMix 5mL
3X PCR Taq Plus MasterMix 5mL
Reverse Transcriptase (M-MLV) 5KU
Reverse Transcriptase Plus 25rxn
Taq DNA Polymerase 1KU
Taq Precision DNA Polymerase 500U
Taq Plus DNA Polymerase 250U
DNA Transfection Reagent 1mL
RNAi Transfection Reagent 1mL
Calcium Mammalian Transfection Kit 1mL
Lentiviral Plasmid Transfection Reagent 1mL